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human gene therapy中文是什么意思

用"human gene therapy"造句"human gene therapy"怎么读"human gene therapy" in a sentence


  • 人类基因疗法
  • 人类基因治疗


  • 1991 first human gene therapy for cancer ( melanoma ) attempted
  • The findings appear online today ( nov . 21 ) in the journal human gene therapy
    这些研究成果发表在今天( 11月21日) 《人类基因治疗》杂志的在线版上。
  • The results of the study , which included 11 men with ed , are reported online today in human gene therapy
  • The 12 patients involved in the study - a world - first human gene therapy trial for a brain disease - all reported a substantial reduction in their symptoms after having a human gene injected
  • With the development of adenovirus vector , the adenovirus will play a more and more important role in controlling human and animal diseases , especially viral diseases as well as in human gene therapy
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